Keepers of KOOP Capital Campaign Progress ($60k Goal):

Community Council

What is the KOOP Community Council (CC) Mission Statement?

The KOOP Community Council mission includes providing:

  1. An advisory capacity to the KOOP Board of Directors, General Manager & volunteer Membership
  2. Community outreach services to the community at large, especially the under-served, in order to connect the community with KOOP Radio.
  3. Community in-reach services as an avenue for promoting a participatory, cooperative, healthy and professional work environment throughout the station

What are the CC’s Areas of Responsibilities?

KOOP’s Bylaws describe the structure and basic duties of a Community Council, advising the Board of Directors and supporting KOOP’s development and community outreach.

The Community Council is responsible for championing our KOOP culture among our membership and in the community. The council establishes and maintains relationships with community organizations, advocates for inclusion and diversity, seeks out barriers that inhibit participation and advises the KOOP Board and leadership around opportunities for excellence and improvement.

The Community Council provides support and serves as a source of organizational knowledge for KOOP members and volunteers. The Community Council may sponsor orientation sessions and peer support or social events for new or returning volunteers. The Community Council maintains standards for how KOOP represents itself in community events and outreach efforts and may organize a calendar of recommended outreach events for the General Manager to consider for planning and staffing.

KOOP Community Council Composition

NameCC RoleTerm ExpiresCommunity Org. / KOOP Volunteer
Lynn CowlesChair, ROCO Programmer, Voting Member11/2025Foundation Communities
Safaa Al MahamidVice-Chair, CE Coordinator, Voting Member11/2024Go Austin/Vamos Austin
Richard FranklinVoting Member11/2024Grey Panthers
Pedro GatosMember Advocate, Voting Member11/2024KOOP Volunteer
Ken HayesVoting Member11/2025School of America’s Watch (SOAW)
Roscoe OvertonVoting Member11/2024Overton Group
Rocio Pena-MartinezVoting Member11/2024KOOP Volunteer
Alan PogueVoting Member11/2025Veterans for Peace
Nora RedfernROCO Coordinator, Voting Member11/2025KOOP Volunteer
Sheila SimmonsVoting Member11/2024KOOP Volunteer
Richard ZeladeVoting Member11/2024KOOP Volunteer
Greg CiottiConsultant*n/a (effective 11/2022)n/a

2024 Recognized Celebrations

Standing Community Council Meeting Times & Dates

  • Community Council (CC) Meeting: 3rd Tuesday of each month (7:15-8:30pm)
  • CC Subcommittee on Systemic Racism & Racial Justice: Quarterly meetings TBA
  • CC Subcommittee on Cooperative Building: Quarterly meetings TBA

If you are interested in joining the Community Council or a CC Committee as a guest or a member, please email

Reflections of Community Outreach

Reflections Of Community Outreach, often referred to as “ROCO,” is an award-winning News and Public Affairs program created and sponsored by the KOOP Community Council to give voice to non-profits that are KOOP Community Organization Members and other local individuals and organizations who are doing good in our community.

ROCO is a Community Outreach effort offering informative dialogue with local organizations working to make a difference especially within the under served community. This faithfully follows KOOP’s mission statement as a community radio station and KOOP’s Community Council’s specific role to reach out into the community. The program is currently administered, produced and hosted by a Collective who rotate each week to bring as many perspectives to the shows in an attempt to reach the widest range of listeners. Listen to the latest episode below:

Reflections Of Community Outreach