Bringing Light Into Darkness – Monday, 4/26 @ 6PM

Posted on: April 22, 2021
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don-t-believe-everything-you-think - pedro gatos

A Syria & Ukraine Update: Examining what is Hidden Behind the Curtain of Mainstream Media Narratives.

Bringing Light Into Darkness (BLID) guest, investigative journalist Mike Whitney, has a proven record of a very high geopolitical acumen and shares his analysis of unfolding events in Syria and the Ukraine.

We start the show with an overview of a presentation by Richard H. Black former Virginia State Senator for 8 years until 2020 and retired colonel Vietnam veteran who served in uniform for thirty-two years. The presentation was given at the March 20-21 (2021) Schiller Institute conference. Why did the distinguished veteran declare “I’m appalled by the indecency of American aggression towards Syria”? He makes and validates the following claims that most of the American public are unaware of; “We’re told that we’re fighting a war on terror, but we’re not;” “We’re closely allied with terrorists like al-Qaida”. These and other claims he backs up from personal knowledge as we shatter the mainstream dominant narrative that US foreign policy was about supporting moderate rebels in Syria.

Please join us as Mike Whitney and Pedro Gatos have a wide ranging but focused discourse providing a practical and historically contexed geopolitical overview of the current state of US foreign policy initiatives in Ukraine and Syria, against the backdrop of Russia’s perceived national security interests. The dominant media narrative is that Russia is the ‘aggressor nation”, however examining facts on the ground both past and present suggest a different and important perspective.

Our BLID investigations are driven by well researched cross referenced factual claims regarding US foreign policy that for some may lead to uncomfortable discoveries. However, an informed US public cannot be achieved through any other means.

Please join the pursuit for social justice. Mondays 6-7pm CST on KOOP Radio,
‘Don’t be Late’.

Siempre fieles, Pgatos 4/26/2021

If you are not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing. Malcolm X