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Bringing Light Into Darkness – Mon, 11/29 @ 6 PM

Posted on: November 29, 2021
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Our Addictive Culture, Chemical Use & Misuse and the Magical Host the Human Brain & Body, Pt III

Our Addictive Culture, Chemical Use & Misuse and the Magical Host the Human Brain & Body, Pt III
This is part III of a series of shows entitled Our Addictive Culture, Chemical Use & Misuse, and the Magical Host the Human Brain & Body. The focus of tonight’s show is on Marijuana. The title the Bringing Light Into Darkness show tinight is Mary Jane, Separating Fact from Fiction from Uncertainty.
What you will discover if you tune into Bringing Light Into Darkness this Monday 11/29/21 at 6pm CST at –
1. Highlights of an 8hr Marijuana Intervention curriculum that thousands of Travis County clients have completed since it was created by the Pedro Gatos Institute on Addiction, Health & Social Theory in 2012 and which has been updated annually since, in accordance with the changing legal landscape and emerging science around marijuana.
2. What will be covered and explained:
a. Legal status in Texas? Can you get a DWI or a DUI (Driving under the Influence) charge in Texas?
b. An introduction to the human endocannabinoid system and how Marijuana exerts its effects and how is it different from endogenous and synthetic K-2 like cannabinoids? What is brain cell receptor affinity?
c. Are there dangers associated with regular marijuana use?
d. Is MJ’s THC potency higher today and does that cause greater mental health risks and dangers?
e. MJ and Tobacco and Lung health. Are there carcinogens in MJ smoke? Has MJ been proven to cause cancer, emphysema, COPD and/or bronchitis?
f. Are there dangers associated with regular marijuana use such as addiction to MJ and has it been defined in the DSM-V in a way similar to the chemical dependency model we shared during our last BLID show in this series?
g. How is the Chemical Use Misuse Continuum (CUMC) assessment invention consistent with the evolution of substance use disorders as described by the DSM-V?