Another Broken Treaty & Endless War in Afghanistan or Will we Honor our May 1st Withdrawal Agreement? – BLID – Monday, 4/5 at 6 p.m.

Posted on: April 5, 2021
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If you are not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing. Malcolm X

Please join us tonight at 6pm….With special guest, Matt Hoh who brings nearly twelve years of frontline experience with America’s wars overseas with the United States Marine Corps, Department of Defense and State Department. He has been a Senior Fellow with the Center for International Policy since 2010. In 2009, Matthew resigned in protest from his post in Afghanistan with the State Department over the American escalation of the war.

Citing sources close to the Taliban, Afghanistan’s Tolo News reported that the Biden administration has asked the Taliban to agree to a continued US presence in Afghanistan for three or six months past May 1st deadline agreed to 14 months ago.

In a sensational presentation and wide-ranging interview and dialogue, Matthew shares his remarkably informed perspective on Afghanistan, including his suggestion that we are creating the circumstances in which the only option is violence. We discuss the concern that this too often continues to be the outcome of US foreign policy as indicated by the result of our ‘War on Terror’ which has resulted in an explosion of State Department Listed Terror Groups and terrorist membership from 2001 until today.

Our guest shares the depth of corruption of the government in Kabul by citing ‘Transparency International’ which rates them as one of the most corrupt governments in the world and further cites the results of UN reports which claim that roughly one third of all prisoners of Afghanistan are tortured by the security forces (police, the army, and the intel services) of Afghanistan, forces that we train.

A compelling body of information is presented that suggest that there is no moral justification for US Afghan foreign policy to date and in fact he details how it has been instead incredibly counterproductive. His personal experience in dealing with Taliban members provides another level of credibility. Although he is no fan of the Taliban, he knows them. Unlike the US who has a history once again of lying about our involvement in foreign policy theaters, in Afghanistan, he doubts the Taliban will renege on promises made. In fact, they have abided by the agreement the last year or more to not attack and kill US and NATO forces. “These groups they mean what they say and do what they say”

The show also covers the historical context since the 1970s in Afghanistan identifying the real government types that historically provided the best and most promising material and human rights advances for women and all Afghans.
Don’t be Late.
Siempre fieles, Pgatos 4/5/2021