Bringing Light Into Darkness – 3/15/21 @ 6PM

Posted on: March 10, 2021
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Sonja.Nevette - pedro gatos

Women are the Real Heroes: in Honor of International Women’s Month Promoting Needed Equity from a World Context to a Local Austin Music Scene Context.

This week we feature two local Austin Women Musician Activists, Sonja Jevette and KOOP’s own Penny Jo Pullus. We begin the show with some highlights from two Oxfam Reports, Time to care: Unpaid and underpaid care work and the global inequality crisis; Even It Up, Oxfam, Jan 2020, and The Inequality Virus: Bringing together a world torn apart by coronavirus through a fair, just, and sustainable economy, Oxfam 2021.
The reports document the impact that unpaid and underpaid care work has on the prospects and livelihoods of women and girls across the world, how that is driving growing inequality and the Covid 19 virus has impacted women disproportionately and revealed the real monster behind the curtain, gross wealth inequality. Such levels of wealth Inequality are stoned killers and the most vulnerable are the victims. We celebrate the sober fact that if it were not for heroic and largely unpaid labor of women the premature death rates would be astronomical.

The main focus of the show features Sonja Jevette Austin based singer, songwriter, psychedelic soul music six string slinger music producer, mult- instrumentalist live streaming virtual music artist who was listed in August 2020 as one of the celebrated girl guitar players in Girl Guitar magazine. We also feature Penny Jo Pullus founder of TeXchromosome nonprofit and host of TeXchromosome Radio which serves up a unique blend of all female programming each Friday morning on KOOP Radio. We discuss and celebrate Women in the local Austin Scene and the work Sonja is doing to promote equity in the Music scene for Women.
We feature two Women “Superheroes” and two of Sonja Jevette’s songs off her 2019 Superhero release. Don’t be Late
Siempre fieles, Pgatos 3/15/2021