Keepers of KOOP Capital Campaign Progress ($60k Goal):

Veteran Housing Information

Veteran Housing information mentioned during 12 August Boots on the Air 

The following was reported by the Ending Community Homelessness Coalition (ECHO),, which manages homeless outreach for the City of Austin;

847 – Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) beds dedicated to housing Veterans,

149 – Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) beds dedicated to housing Veterans,

59 – Crisis response, described as Emergency Shelter, Transitional Housing, Safe Haven (SH) beds dedicated to serving Veterans.

The following local nonprofits and Housing Authority of the City of Austin (HACA) programs using Housing and Urban Affairs (HUD) and/or Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) vouchers programs to serving Veterans;

 Catholic Charities – St. Michael’s Veteran Services Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) and Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) – Providing case management, financial assistance, and referrals to serve veterans and their families.

Integral Care – Safe Haven Healthcare for Homeless Veterans (HCHVSH), – This program provides temporary housing for homeless veterans living with mental illness. Clients are referred by the PATH/ACCESS program. There are private and semi-private rooms, three meals a day, laundry facilities and telephones. Clients are also connected to other Integral Care programs and local resources for ongoing care and support.

Green Doors – Veteran’s Re-entry, Grant Per Diem (GPD), – Green Doors provides transitional housing and access to supportive services for homeless veterans, through its Transitional Veterans Re-Entry Housing program. This flagship program serves roughly 60 male and female veterans annually in houses throughout South and Southeast Austin.

A New Entry – Veterans Program,  HCHV/Community Engagement & Reintegration Service (CERS) – A New Entry exists to provide community reentry and personal integrity support for individuals rebuilding from losses associated with homelessness, incarceration and addiction.  ***There is a Veterans preference factor in this priority list***.

HACA – HUD-VASH Voucher Program – Limited federal funding for vouchers restricts how many families HACA can serve. HACA randomly selected 2,000 pre-applications through a lottery to be placed on the waitlist. If you applied during this time period, you may find out whether you were selected in the random lottery through our application checker.

Caritas – SSVF Rapid Re-housing – Caritas of Austin vision is to make homelessness rare, brief, and nonrecurring in Greater Austin. If you are experiencing homelessness, the first step to accessing services is completing a Coordinated Entry survey. This tool is used by numerous community organizations and is our city’s most effective way to prioritize the most vulnerable people for housing services.

Front Steps – SSVF Rapid Re-housing – Thee services are made possible with funding to Front Steps from the US Department of Veterans Affairs. SSVF provides short-term, rapid rehousing assistance with intensive case management to very low-income veteran families to obtain stable permanent housing. The SSVF program focuses on intensive case management to help participants increase their ability to sustain permanent housing and reach their greatest potential.

Integral Care –  Terrace at Oak Spring (TAOS) PSH – A home is more than four walls. It’s the basic foundation for health and well-being. When someone lives on the street, it is extremely difficult to recover from a mental health issue, substance use disorder or manage a chronic health condition. Integral Care uses housing as a health intervention. With a safe place to live and appropriate support services, recovery from homelessness, mental health issues and substance use disorder begins.

Other facility locations;


HACA – Elysium VASH

HACA – Chalmers East VASH

IMPORTANT!  Please note that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced policy changes that will expand homeless Veterans’ access to housing.  Their new guidelines do NOT count disability benefits for Veterans when determining their total income.  This opens the door to many Veterans who previously were above the income threshold for VASH benefits.