Keepers of KOOP Capital Campaign Progress ($60k Goal):

The Hippy Campus

Host(s): Baron Mind
College-ruled radio gems
The Hippy Campus

Currently Inactive

3:00 pm -
4:30 pm

Get in Touch

Studio Line: 512-472-KOOP (5667)

The Hippy Campus

c/o KOOP Radio
P.O. Box 301899
Austin, TX 78703-0032


Remember when “College Radio” was your place to get exposed to new music that just wasn’t on the rest of the dial? DJ Baron Mind presents his “College-Ruled Radio Gems” in a uniquely curated musical mosaic, painting the counter-cultural crossroads from the past 60+ years to the present. -Music with a cult following that has carefully walked the line between mainstream success and coolness. And if the artist has mainstream success, we will rather focus on their more surprising side.


Baron Mind is a brain in a jar in another dimension, employed as an anterior decorator for The Time Being. In this dimension, however, he is Brooke Wilton, who has been a friend to KOOP since its inception, though he did not officially join until he was recruited in late 2018 to be a part of the progressive music program Virtual Noise. The Baron is a techie, visual artist, and musician who started Flameless Shirt, a clothing line of locally hand-made shirts, which is his primary vocation. He founded The East Austin Handmade Arts Market in 2014 to help provide local artists like himself with an arena to bring their goods to the public, and regularly produces events that are a synergy of art and music in the Austin area. The Baron also formed Third Sat From The Sun to create Progressive music events around town. He founded and has produced Surf By Surf East, the largest annual gathering of Surf Rock bands in the US for six years running, and has also organized large and small events for KOOP and Voyager Fest. To this day, he remains at large.

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