Keepers of KOOP Capital Campaign Progress ($60k Goal):

Elections at KOOP

Elections at KOOP - Photo: dan dennis via unsplash

Elections at KOOP Radio

KOOP Radio is a cooperatively owned and operated organization also known as a co-op. As outlined in our Bylaws, our Board of Directors (BoD), Community Council (CC) and Programming Committee (PC) are comprised of individuals who have expressed a desire to serve on these bodies and have been elected by the membership to serve terms via our Annual Election.

All KOOP elections are administered by the KOOP Elections Oversight Committee.

KOOP’s Annual Election

The Annual Election is held in mid-October with terms beginning on November 1st and lasting one or two years depending on the nature of the vacancies. The election and the list of candidates running for each body are generally announced at the monthly station-wide meeting held prior to the beginning of the Annual Election and includes an informal forum where candidates are able to introduce themselves to the membership, communicate their motivation to serve and answer questions from the membership.

All KOOP elections are administered via an online ballot that is available in English and Spanish and that contains links to each candidate’s bios and statements of motivation.

Who May Serve

The Board of Directors and Community Council are comprised of individuals from the community and are elected by the good standing membership at large.

The Programming Committee is comprised of certified programmers in good standing who have completed KOOP’s training program and whom are elected by KOOP’s certified programmers in good standing.

How to Serve on a KOOP Elected Body

The desire to serve on any of our elected bodies begins with the submission of a nomination form. Nomination forms are made available prior to the Annual Election and ahead of any interim election, should one be necessary. If you have a desire to serve on one of our elected bodies, please fill out and submit a nomination for below.

Nomination Forms

KOOP Board of Directors Nomination Form (not available)

KOOP Community Council Nomination Form (not available)

KOOP Community Organization Nomination Form (not available)

KOOP Programming Committee Nomination Form (not available)


If you have a question or comment about KOOP’s elections, please reach out to the Elections Oversight Committee via the form below:

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