Keepers of KOOP Capital Campaign Progress ($60k Goal):

Donate to KOOP


Since 1994, KOOP Radio 91.7 FM has been training community volunteers in the art of radio broadcasting so they may share their passions for music and public affairs with their neighbors near and far. As a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, we are only able to do this through the generous financial support of our listeners. Please consider donating today.

Become a Member

More than 92% of KOOP’s budget comes from the generous support of our community members. You may choose a one-time donation or a sustaining donation with monthly recurring payments. As a sustaining member, you give a monthly amount of your choice (minimum $10) each month until you tell us to stop.

Other Ways to Give

Vehicle Donation Program

Donate your old car or boat to KOOP. Just follow this link and Charitable Auto will take care of it for you.

Employer Gift Matching

Just check and see if Texas Educational Broadcasting Co-operative, Inc. is listed among your employer’s eligible matching companies. If not, get in touch with us and we’ll work with your company to set it up.

Randall’s Good Neighbor Program

The next time you’re at Randalls, pick up a Remarkable Card application at the courtesy booth to fill out and link your card to KOOP’s account. Randalls will pay KOOP a percentage of the account total, so be sure to use your card every time you shop. Our organization’s Good Neighbor Program account number to fill in on your Remarkable card application: 8627.

Will or Estate Plan

Would you consider leaving KOOP Radio in your will or estate plan? If so, please contact our General Manager, Federico Pacheco, at 512-472-1369 or Donald F Carnes of Donald F Carnes, P.C. 512-474-7054.

Donate by Mail

KOOP is always happy to receive donations by mail at P.O. Box 301899, Austin, TX 78703-0032.

Many thanks for your support! We couldn’t do it without you.