Bringing Light Into Darkness – Mon, 6/13 @ 6 pm

Posted on: June 13, 2022
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Yemen: A Million Dead in Seven Years of US Supported Saudi led Terror – How Could this Remain Unreported in the US Press for the Entire 7 Years?

Dr. Aisha Jumaan MPH, PhD is an epidemiologist with over 30 years of experience in public health, including viral vaccine preventable diseases, cervical and breast cancer research, surveillance, maternal, child health and nutrition, primary health care, and women in development.

Aisha is currently working with as an Independent Consultant coordinating health-related projects in Yemen and is our guest tonight as she brings Light into the darkness surrounding the US foreign policy of promoting Yemen war crimes.

Dr Jumaan details how Yemen is afflicted by two major man-made crises- the targeting of civilian infrastructiore by US supported Saudi aerial bombings and Saudi led US enabled blockade of their economy. The bombings have been targeting Yemen food producing entities as well and have destroyed half of their health facilities.

The result is the largest cholera outbreak in world history a return of polio and emergence of diptheria. The most vulnerable are the greatest victims children and elderly. Famine and the threat of famine affect millions and all told, since the initiation of Saudi led US backed daily aerial bombings in March 2015, our guest Dr Jamaan estimates a million Yemenese dead!

Largely the result of war crimes such as the the purposeful destruction of the water facilities and water systems by the Saudi led war and air strikes and the the blockade on the country as Yemen is affected by two major man-made crises both supported by our taxpaying US dollars. Not a peep of news coverage over the past 7 years. What’s up with that? Join us to find out in this wide ranging interview and dialogue with our guest Dr Aisha Jumaan who is with the Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation.