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Jack’s Mannequin at SXSW 2025

Posted on: March 13, 2025
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By Stefny! At the Disco

The first SXSW I ever attended was in 2007. I know I came with my friend Amber and maybe some other people from Temple but I can’t remember who exactly.

Anyway, at that festival we tried to get into see Circa Survive but either we couldn’t get in because it was 18+ (I was 18 but Amber was 17) or it was at capacity, I don’t remember. We did, however, get into some showcase at Emo’s with The Spill Canvas and Jack’s Mannequin.

Unfortunately, cameras in 2007 weren’t equipped with a whole lot of memory, so I have no photographic evidence of The Spill Canvas, but one thing I do have – at least partially – is footage from Jack’s Mannequin.

(this is a screenshot of a crappy like 480p video from 2007 that I don’t even have the original of anymore)

Before I get into the rest of this, I feel like I have to explain how important Jack’s Mannequin was to me at this time.

Now I was an OG Something Corporate fan, but they were also kinda before my time. I was in middle school when all their biggest songs came out. Jack’s Mannequin though… they hit me at just the right time. Everything In Transit was everything to me. That album was so special.

I used to have a thing for chalkboards/whiteboards (let’s be real, I still do), but I incorporated JM into my art… a lot.

Anyway, I think you get the picture.

At the end of every school year, I would make a music video of crap that I had shot throughout the year of my friends and make all the teachers in every class show it. In 2007, I made a video to “The Mixed Tape,” in which I included footage from that 2007 SXSW show.

I originally uploaded this in 2007 but it got copyright claimed and I had to change it to a Brand New song. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Fast forward 18 years. Although it cost me $40 and I almost broke my ankle (long story), I got to see Jack’s Mannequin at SXSW again. Full circle moment.

I was late getting in so I caught the end of “The Mixed Tape” but I got to see more of my faves from that album, including “Bruised,” “Dark Blue,” “Holiday From Real,” “La La Lie,” and “I’m Ready” (I also missed “Kill The Messenger” because they opened with that and I was still in line outside).

Andrew mentioned how he premiered JM at SXSW in 2005 and how special it is to him. I’m just glad I got to be a part of it twice. And that technology has improved.