KOOP Feature: Ear Candy 2.0

Posted on: January 29, 2025
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By Ryan J. Nims

Photo by Remi Fukamachi

To a lot of people, soul music invokes classic Motown, Stax or Atlantic records. But for V. Marc Fort, a.k.a. DJ Marc, a.k.a. DJ Jam Up and Jelly Tight, “soul” means a lot of things, but above all, it means excellent music! Ear Candy 2.0 (Monday 4:30-6:00 pm) definitely features a lot of classic soul music, but sometimes also bubblegum, reggae, hip-hop, and even shoegaze. According to Marc, the thing that binds them all together is that the music speaks to the soul. 

1. Can you give us a quick description of Ear Candy 2.0 for people who may not have heard the program?

Ear Candy 2.0 is delicious music for your ears! Catchy, tasty, earworms from every genre… though the beating heart of Ear Candy 2.0’s body is American soul music (mostly southern soul).

2. How long has Ear Candy 2.0 been on the air at KOOP?

Ear Candy 2.0 debuted on KOOP Radio in June of 2019. The first aired on the HD3 and online stream at 7 pm on Tuesday evenings, then moved to the FM signal after 1 year.

3. What was the original show pitch? And has the scope changed since the original concept?

I always wanted the show to have both music and interviews with artists and members of the community who I find interesting. And I always knew that I wanted to keep the definition of “soul music” loose. My redefined definition in terms of the show is: “If I can believe the vocalist. If I can feel the musicians… truly believe and feel what they’re singing and playing, then it’s soul music to my ears. Whether it’s The Clash, Otis Redding, Serge Gainsbourg, My Bloody Valentine, Billie Holiday, The Ramones, Ella Fitzgerald, Tommy Roe, etc.” If I can feel it, then I’m gonna play it!

4. What is your favorite thing about volunteering for KOOP?

I love working and hanging with the 100-plus volunteers at KOOP who are just as nerdy and passionate as myself about music, journalism, media, and radio. And I really do enjoy volunteering on KOOP’s Board of Directors, stewarding the direction of KOOP Radio and making sure the station is on a financially sustainable path.

5. As well as being a DJ, you’re also a musician, with bands like Schatzi and Moving Panoramas. Is there one record that made you want to become a musician?

Difficult question. I played violin as a kid, but I didn’t love playing the violin, even though I was actually not bad, qualifying to play in the UIL regional orchestras in middle school. 

When I discovered punk rock at age 18 as a freshman at UT Austin, I’m certain that was when I realized maybe I could actually play music in bands. So it wasn’t specifically an album that inspired me to pick up guitars, but I’m certain it was seeing Fugazi and Bad Mutha Goose play together at Liberty Lunch in the late 1980s. The energy. The connection between the bands and the audience. And guitarist Tim Kerr (Bad Mutha Goose, Big Boys) yelling from the stage, “Go start your own fucking band!” His words hit me hard. I floated out of that show and bought a bass guitar a few days later. I’d been baptized in the church of DIY rock and punk rock.

6. Is there anything you’d like to add for your listeners?

Smash that like, love, and follow button for Ear Candy 2.0’s Instagram & Facebook page. And keep listening to community-powered radio! And HMU at to talk shop. And/or make sure to say “hello” if we’re ever at the same concert… or if I’m out DJing vinyl in the community.

For your weekly dose of tasty soulful music, be sure to tune in to Ear Candy 2.0 every Monday afternoon!