KOOP Radio Community Council thanks all who attended the 13th Annual Community Organization Open House! Some highlights include:
Some 50 or more Community Council members, KOOP staff and volunteers, ACC students and community members attended our Open House, which included representatives from 30 different nonprofit community organizations, all enjoying refreshments, socializing, and networking.

- With the guidance of our KOOP team, 25 non-profit partners created public service announcements currently airing on KOOP airways. Have you heard yours at 91.7 FM or streaming at koop.org?
- Pedro Gatos, host of the KOOP show Bringing Light into Darkness, would like to extend special thanks to the 23 non-profit partners who shared their missions and the passions that inspire their work live on KOOP airwaves during his 6-7:30 pm show.

Our goal is to spread your message out to the community while playing awesome music and news & public affairs programming. If your organization has not yet joined as a KOOP Radio non-profit organization partner, please click on this link right now!
Become a KOOP Community Organization Member
PS- If your organization was not able to attend the Open House and would like to record a PSA, or to learn about upcoming events in which you can participate, email us at communitycouncil@koop.org. Thanks for staying tuned to 91.7 FM and streaming at koop.org!