There is not a US Public Perception that International law has been Routinely Violated since WWII because it’s not given proper coverage by MSM:
Dr. Alfred de Zayas Presents What Proper Coverage Would Look Like
Alfred de Zayas, Professor of international law and world history at the Geneva School of Diplomacy (J.D., Harvard, Ph.D. Göttingen), a former Secretary & senior lawyer with the Office of the UN High Commissioner of Human Rights & former UN Independent Expert on International Order (2012-18), and author of 12 books Brings Light Into Darkness about what constitutes International law and its violations. He also details the role of media in deceit.
International law violations that the US public may not be well vetted in that the US & other countries have historically & currently engage in as a regular matter of business include:
1. That Russia violated International (Intl) Law by invading Ukraine while the US violated Intl law by provoking Russia by creating conditions that led to the invasion and by actively promoting war rather than seeking peaceful resolution to the conflict
2. That the UN Charter is the only rules based order that we have . And that article 2 paragraph 3 obliges everyone to negotiate in good faith a principle that was egregiously violated by Kiev & the US led west regarding the Minsk Agreements.
3. Principle 19 of the UN Charter provides in part that “States must refrain from interfering in matters within the internal jurisdiction of another State. No State may use or encourage the use of economic, political or any other type of measures to coerce another State in order to obtain from it the subordination of the exercise of its sovereign rights and to secure from it advantages of any kind.
4. That the General Assembly 2005 Resolution 60/1, paragraph 135 describes the International Law understanding of ‘democracy’ and its violations with the language “democracies share common features, there is no single model of democracy, that it does not belong to any country or region, and reaffirm the necessity of due respect for sovereignty and the right of self-determination.” Attempting to export one’s model of democracy constitutes a violation of the UN principles of the sovereign equality of states and the right of self-determination of peoples.”
5. Art. 2(3) of the UN Charter obliges all States to settle disputes by peaceful means. This obligation to negotiate means good faith dialogue with the goal to reach a compromise, a quid pro quo. There is no right to intransigence in the UN Charter. If one party refuses to talk, it is violating article 2(3) and may actually be provoking the other to the use of force. Moreover, this constitutes a potential threat to Intl peace and security for purposes of article 39 of the UN Charter.
6. Only the Security Council can impose sanctions under Chapter VII of the Charter. Therefore, States shall refrain from imposing unilateral coercive measures, sanctions and financial blockades on other countries. When unilateral coercive measures cause widespread hunger and death, they may amount to crimes against humanity under article 7 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court.