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Bringing Light Into Darkness – Mon, 2/14 @ 6 PM

Posted on: February 14, 2022
Filed under:
media_propaganda_against_putin - pedro gatos

Does Russia or the US led NATO have the upper hand in Ukraine Crisis? (with Scott Ritter)

Special Guest Scott Ritter joins Bringing Light Into Darkness. Ritter was born into a military family, is a former US Marine Corps Intelligence Officer whose service over a 20-plus-year career included reaching the rank of Major and doing tours of duty in the former Soviet Union implementing arms control agreements, serving on the staff of US Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf during the Gulf War and later as a UN Chief Weapons Inspector with the UN in Iraq from 1991-98.

The framing of the Ukraine Russia NATO US crisis in the USA is analyzed and challenged by our guest who as a UN Weapons Inspector in Iraq correctly warned our government and our public that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of Mass Destruction despite the absolute certainty of such claims at the time by US government and our parroting media that has led us to so many unjust Wars. Scott Ritter provides an informed military logistical overview of the major actors in the conflict revealing where the military strengths and weaknesses are. He argues that the demonization of Putin is largely unfounded, but we discuss how it is highly effective in distracting attention from the real but neglected issues at hand. Demonizing leaders of nations we seek to overthrow has traditionally worked in duping the American public into being distracted from the recurring fact that the wars and conflicts our US foreign policy has taken us into again and again are generally unjust wars that are destructive to majority population quality of life living conditions yet are endorsed by the US public because of the omission of key information and contradictions by our mainstream press that midframe reality.

Ritter provides a mature overview of Russian state decision making processes and challenges the simplistic notion that this is all about Putin.

We review the substance of America’s Putin Psychosis and Russia Moves Toward Checkmate in Ukraine, two of his recent articles published in the last couple of weeks, which includes an overview of the fracturing of the unity of NATO over the persecution of Russia through sanctions and Biden’s recent arrogant claim that we will shutdown Nordstream oil pipeline if Russia executes its invasion of Ukraine.

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