Bringing Light Into Darkness – Mon 5/31 @ 6PM

Posted on: May 30, 2021
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Deconstructing Venezuela and US Relations: Who is the Real Bully that Inhibits Democracy in Venezuela?

UN Special Rapporteur Alena Douhan Report on Human Rights on the Impact on Unilateral Coercive Measures on Venezuela following her 2/1- 2/12/21 visit is reviewed. It called for an immediate end to the US and Allied sanctions on Venezuela. The report found that sanctions have resulted in economic and human calamities for the entire population especially the poor and most vulnerable. While billions in Venezuelan assets that could be used for medicine and vaccines remain frozen at foreign banks the report claimed some 2.5 million Venezuelans now face severe food security.

With the hardening of the sanctions over the years since 2005, state revenues to Caracas have been slashed by a staggering 99% leaving the country to live on just 1% of its presanction income. The UN rapporteur concluded by urging the US and UK and other allies, to “review and lift targeted sanctions in accordance with principle of international law, the rule of law, human rights and refugee law.”

Please join us Monday night 5/31 at 6pm as our guest and investigative journalist Roger Harris brings light into the darkness around the well-hidden history of Venezuela that reveals the predatory nature of US relations with Venezuela and the south. More compelling is the detailed nature of the Venezuelan democracy and electoral process compared to US and other nations of the world that our guest explicates. In addition, the false image making that our government and its obedient mainstream media conduits feed and shape US public opinion around the issue of who is the real president of Venezuela, the US led “alleged” Venezuelan president Juan Guiado or the elected President Nicholas Maduro, is discussed in detail and explained.

While surely the government of Venezuela led by its President Nicholas Maduro has made its share of mistakes that have led in part to the economic problems facing Venezuela today, this show brings light to the staggering influence US led foreign policy has had on the resulting consequences for Venezuelans. Our one-sided media coverage results in mistaken US public perceptions around who is most responsible for the Venezuelan economic meltdown. The dialogue between our guest, Board Member of the human rights organization Task Force on the Americas, Roger Harris and host Pedro Gatos provides documentable historical and contemporary insights, combining a macro and micro analysis of a host of Venezuelan related fact vs fiction precepts we may each have, for you to rejudge and reconsider for yourself as desired.

Siempre fieles, Pgatos 5/31/2021 If you are not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing. Malcolm X