Civil Rights and Wrongs for Tuesday, June 30

Posted on: June 29, 2020
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Civil Rights and Wrongs

Our guests will be Cinde Weatherby, Voting and Election Law Issues Chair for the League of Women Voters Texas and Anthony Gutierrez, Executive Director of Common Cause Texas. Among the topics of discussion will be the vote by mail (VBM) petitions and lawsuits that have been circulating through the Texas and Federal court systems since April. We’ll also talk about how election officials in Travis, and other counties in Texas, are preparing to keep voters and poll workers safe during the July 14th runoff elections and beyond during the rapidly worsening pandemic throughout the state. And we’ll hear how these grassroots organizations plan to possibly tackle the issue of gerrymandering here in Texas prior to the next round of redistricting slated to take place during the 2021 legislative session.

Join us Tuesday, June 30 at 6:00 PM (or soon after)